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Going Through a Separation or Divorce? We can Help.

At One Law, our goal is to work towards the most favourable solution for you, in a cost effective and efficient way.

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    Going Through a Separation or Divorce? We can Help.

    At One Law, our goal is to work towards the most favourable solution for you, in a cost effective and efficient way.

    Call Us: 02 9119 2232

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      ————  01. How We Help

      We Can Help With:

      • Divorce Application
        To be eligible for a divorce you need to satisfy the court that you and your spouse have lived separately and apart for at least 12 months (this can be in the same house), and there is no reasonable likelihood of resuming married life.
      • De-Facto Relationship
        De-facto relationships have the same rights as married couples and often require the same services at the breakdown of a relationship such as parenting plans and financial agreements.
      • Property & Financial Settlements
        Following a separation, careful consideration needs to be given to prepare an agreement that determines the division of any property including assets and superannuation entitlements as well as debts and liabilities between the parties. Consideration is given to each parties financial and non-financial contribution to the marriage and their future needs
      • Parenting Plans & Orders
        A parenting plan is a voluntary written agreement that sets out the care arrangements and responsibilities of each parent towards their children.
      • Spousal Maintenance
        After the break down of a marriage or de-facto relationship, you may be entitled to receive financial support from your former spouse or partner if you are unable to adequately support yourself. Spousal maintenance is a legal obligation that can be imposed by the court. You can apply to receive maintenance as soon as you separate or anytime during the divorce process.
      • Child Support
        When one or both parties wish to agree to an alternate calculation of child support, this can be done either informally or made by a child support agreement, which is binding and legally enforceable on the parties.

      99% Of Matters

      settled before a final hearing.

      In our experience, almost all family law matters settle or resolve without going to a final hearing where a judge makes a decision in court, saving our clients stress and significant amounts of money.

      ————  02. Our Process

      We Make it Simple.

      • Step 1 – Meet
        We listen and understand what is important to you.
      • Step 2 – Plan
        We work with you to creat a strategy and plan of action.
      • Step 3 – Negotiate
        We assist in reaching a fair and reasonable agreement.
      • Step 4 – Consent Order
        We apply to court to finalise the agreement.
      • Step 5 – Final Orders
        If an agreement cannot be reached, we make an application to the court.
      ————  03. WHAT OUR CLIENTS SAY

      Legal Expertise With Care Makes a Difference.

      Navigating the complexities of the legal system can be daunting. We’ll work hard to understand what matters most to you and get you the best possible outcome no matter how simple or complex the issues may be.

      ————  04. OUR TEAM

      Your Family Law Specialists

      At One Law, we understand that every case is different, and we take the time to get to know your situation. We are your local lawyers with access to resources in all states, so you know your case is in good hands no matter where you are in Australia. Meet our Family Law Specialists.

      James Saba


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      Geetha Sanderan

      Special Counsel and General Manager

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      Joanna Azzi

      Special Counsel and Family Law Practice Manager

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      Masood Salehi


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      Melissa Gok


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      Ninwa Merkus


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      Antonio Abousleiman


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        ————  05. HELP

        Have More Questions?

        To find out how One Law can help you, call us on 02 9119 2232.

        We can also assist with:

        • Injury & Accident Compensation
        • Property Law & Conveyancin
        • Building & Construction Law
        • Business & Commercial
        • Wills & Will Disputes
        • Criminal Law & Traffic Offences
        • All Court Work

        Do you need a Family Lawyer?

        Call us on our advice line 1800 663 529 or leave your details and we’ll call you.

        Contact UsCall Us: 02 9119 2232