Our client Sarah was employed as a veterinarian, and on the date of her injury, she was lifting a heavy dog onto the bed, causing her to suffer an injury to her back. She reported the injury to the Workers Compensation insurer, who quickly declined the claim arguing that what had happened was not a substantial contributing factor to her injury.
Sarah was out of work for over a year and a half, and a spinal fusion surgery which the insurer refused to pay for had left her unfit for work. Stressed and unsure of what to do next, Sarah consulted with the team at One Law Group, who applied for a grant of funding from the Workers Independent Review Office (WIRO) to fight the insurer’s decision.
We gained expert evidence, which proved that the back injury was work related, and the surgery Sarah underwent was required as a result of the accident at work. We also worked closely with her treating doctor to obtain all the necessary reports which proved Sarah’s inability to work in the year and half since the incident.
We used this evidence to file another application to the insurer, who then revoked their initial dismissal. This meant that Sarah was paid all her lost wages as well as the cost of the fusion surgery which could have put Sarah out of pocket by approximately $50,000.
We’re now working on claims for a tax-free lump sum payout and a larger claim for common law negligence.
Don’t settle for less than you deserve. Get the best compensation lawyers on your side.